Chocolate Swiss Roll

@crumbs_and_vanilla on Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter


3 large Eggs

100g (1/2 cup) Caster Sugar

75g (1/4 cup)Plain flour

25g (4 tbsp) Cocoa Powder

15ml (2 tbsp) hot water

250ml Double or Whipping Cream


· Preheat oven to 220C/420F and Line a 33.6cm x 22.5cm tin.

· Put the eggs and the sugar into a bowl and whisk until very light and creamy. The mixture should be stiff enough to retain the impression of the whisk for a few seconds.

· Sift together the flour and cocoa powder.

· Gently fold in the dry ingredients into the egg mixture until just incorporated

· Pour the mixture into the prepared tin, smoothing it over evenly and gently. Bake in the oven for 7–9 minutes until well risen, golden brown and spongy.

· Meanwhile, get a sheet of greaseproof ready and sprinkle it with some icing sugar

· Turn out the cake quickly onto the paper and trim away the edges. Place a second sheet of paper on top of the sponge and roll it up loosely using the sugared paper underneath as a guide.

· Leave to cool completely on a cooling rack, covered in the paper.

· Meanwhile whip up the double cream until thick

· Unroll the chocolate sponge and spread the double cream evenly over the surface

· Re roll the sponge and slice into even portions



Crumbs & Vanilla

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